Thursday, May 19, 2011

Alternation of generation refers to life cycles where organisms have two different multicellular stages. One is diploid and another is haploid. Haploid is a cell or an organism having half of the number of chromosome in somatic cells. Diploid is a cell or an organism consisting of two sets of chromosomes. Alternation of generation could also represent the life cycle of plants. The picture represents an example of alternation of generation. It is both multicellular diploid and multicellular haploid. On the undersurface of its base or leaves, it goes through meiosis to create haploid cells.  

Thursday, May 5, 2011

blog 10

It definitely gives students hands-on experience dealing with various body systems. Further, it drives home the idea of homologous structures. Examining how an appendage or other body structure works on one organism can be useful in understanding a full variety of organisms. The most common creatures i've seen dissected are worms, frogs and fetal pigs. With plants, any will do, though microscopy is key to really get anything out of the exercise.

blog 9

Competition is a contest between individuals group of animals for their territory, or a location of resource. One example of competition is when different species of fish were inside the same fish tank. One will attack the other to eat, and produce stronger species. Commensalism is a class of relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits but the other is neutral.An example of commensalism is a flatworm attaching to the horse crab and eating the crab's food while the crab is unaffected. Mutualism is when two organisms interact with each other and both derives a fitness benefits. One of the example for mutualism is when many ants are found in the vicinity of aphids. The ants feed on the sugary fluid released by the aphids, and the aphids are protected by the ants. Predation is a way of life that stronger animals attack weaker animals and eat to survive. Example for predation is when hunters are hunting for birds. Parasitism is a type of relationship between animals that they both get benefits from eachother. An example of parasitism is a flea and a dog. The flea sucks blood from the dog and so the dog is harmed.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

blog 8

Im confused on how to put a picture. I tryed copying and pasting but The image wouldnt show up.  I also wasnt sure of how many pictures we had to put up. I was confued on how to write something becuase i would write it but it wouldnt show. But my partner Andrew showed me how to make my writing come out on the wiki. He gave me the code. That is all.

Blog 7

A savanah biome is one that is a biome in where there are shrubs and isolated trees where as a rainforest is a forest of tall trees in which an average of 50-260 inches of rainfall fall each year. In a savanah, it rarely rains, but in a rainforest it is common for it to rain as there is always at least more than 100 inches of rain per year. A relation that the two have is that a savanah is commonly found between a rainforest and a desert. The plant life of the rainforest depends on water and the animals literally live off the agriculture or plant life found there. The savanah rarely has plants, but their plants sometime provide shelter for shelter for some of the animals found there. Savanahs have animals that survive off feeding off each other such as rainforest do too. The animals found in savanahs are huge, for example, elephants, tigers, lions, giraffes,lemurs, snakes, bugs, etc.

Blog 6

 Fruits and vegetables are the most important  level of the food pyramid. Fruits and vegetables  are the most important because they contain carotenes, which enhance our immune systems and helps against diseases. Fruits and vegetables also provide fiber, nutrients, minerals and vitamins, such as Vitamin A, which is good for eyesight and growth, and Vitamin C, which is good for protection against viruses and bacteria and healing wounds.  The old food pyramid had proteins as the biggest and most important part of the food pyramid. This  led many Americans to obesity, which is why The new food pyramid was created to help people better understand how many servings of each level they should be eating.


blog 5

The first major extinction is climate change change. It affect marine animals and there habitat. the second major extinction was near the end of the Devonian Period. The 3 major extinction was AT THE end of the Permian period. The fourth major extinction was at the end of the Triassic period shortly after dianosouars and mammals evolved. The 5th major extinsion was at the end of the Cretaceous period. The last major extinction was is mostly human caused events.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

blog 3

Microevolution is simply a change in gene frequency within a population. Evolution at this scale can be observed over short periods of time.  A change might come about because natural selection favored the gene, because the population received new immigrants carrying the gene, because some nonresistant genes mutated to the resistant version, or because of random genetic drift from one generation to the next. three ways that variation can occur are mutations, selection, and migration.

blog 4

Directional selection is a pathway of natural selection where uncommon phenotype is selected over more common phenotype. Stabilizing is the most common mechanism of action for natural selection. Disruptive selection descirbes change in population genetics in which extreme values of a trait are favored.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Fossil record is hard to interpret because the animal is small and also because the hard painstaking sand is covering the fossil. A broken fossil is more difficult to interpret.  When interpreting a fossil, the paleontologists must be able to find all of the fossil that way they can find out what it is. Sometimes it hard to interpret the fossil and other times it is easy because there is the complete fossil .  It hard to interpret the fossil when it is broken and when pieces are missing. It is easy to interpret the fossil when its big and all the pieces are there and not broken.  To interpret a fossil always depends on what size it is and if it is in good condition or broken.