Thursday, September 30, 2010

bio current event
The oil spill in the gulf of Mexico is real bad be cause it is poluting the sea. It was caused by a explosion that killed 11 people. The Bp has put a new cap on the leaking of the gulf of Mexico. The Bp hopes that this new cap will keep the oil from coming out. But this the first time that they have put the new cap in such deep waters. The Bp has spent $3.5bn so far on this oil spill.

week 3 non carbon life forms

I think that it is fakes beacuse there is no aliens. How do we know that dont just dress up and make a video and say that they supposably saw ans alien. With the technology we have anyone can make a video of them supposably seeing a alien.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

week 2

the us shouldnt change there metric system. If they change it some people might be unhappy. everybody will have to learn the new metric system. Many people wont want to because they dont like measurments or math. Some people wont even try learning the new metric system. so the US should leave there metric system how it is.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


my goals are to pass this class with at least a b or higher. My goal is to be able to pass all my test not just for this class but for all my classes. I also want to do good on the state test and also the casshee. MY other goals are also to try to come to school everyday and not be late. those are my goals